Site Dedicated to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts

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No need to buy beads for USA Chaplet! Just Pray the prayers!

Sturdy Pocket USA Instruction Card!

The card, unfortunately has a typo! In the end prayer, Who's, should be Whose. Sorry!

4x6 Coated USA Chaplet Instruction card.
Suggested donation: 35¢/each or 4/$1
(Please state USA CARD & quantity in instructions. If ordering alone, please include cost of postage and envelope in your kind donation.)
Please also feel free to print them right from here for free!
Click the image for a larger clear copy! :)


USA Chaplet Devotion
Short Form
(printable: 2 copies)
6mm glass pearls
c19 SP $8

Any chaplets that have 6mm beads can be upgraded to 8mm beads for just $2 more (glass, acrylics, resin, most wood). If you require crystals or semi-precious stones; or have any questions, please email me for a quote.

Instructions on how to pray chaplets are ready for you to copy and print; just click the name of the chaplet you need. I do not send instructions with the chaplets to help keep costs down. Thanks for your kind understanding!



ALL CHAPLETS ARE MADE TO ORDER! & require a 50% deposit.

Some chaplets have required colors, most do not. Descriptions will state those that are static. If you have any question PLEASE email me so I can be sure that you will be happy with your purchase!

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I Will update as I come across them. Thanks for your kind understanding.

















St Peregrine Chaplet
8mm beads of your
choice or I'll choose for you.
sp $12 cper


How to Pray the St. Peregrine Chaplet

On the Medal Pray:

O God Who gave to St. Peregrine an angel for his companion, the Mother of God for his teacher, and Jesus as the physician for his malady, grant we beseech You through his merits, that we may on earth intensely love our Holy Angels, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and our Savior; and in Him bless them forever. Grant that we may receive the favor which we now petition. (Present your request.) We ask this through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

On each 3 beads pray:

1 Our Father Prayer, 1 Hail Mary Prayer and 1 Glory be.
(So an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be 3x)

St. Peregrine, pray for us.

St. Peregrine is a patron saint for: Cancer Patients & Skin Diseases.



St. Padre Pio Chaplet INSTRUCTIONS


contact/order form
Oh Jesus, full of grace and charity, victim for sinners, so impelled by Thy love of us that Thou didst will to die on the Cross, I humbly entreat Thee to glorify in Heaven and on earth, the servant of God, Padré Pio of Pietrelcina, who generously participated in Thy sufferings, who loved Thee so much and labored so faithfully for the glory of Thy heavenly Father and for the good of souls. With confidence, I beseech Thee to grant me, through his intercession, the grace of (mention your intentions) which I ardently desire.

Say a Pater, Ave and Gloria on each of the 3 sets of beads.

(optional) Meditation
A Prayer for St. Padré Pios Intercession:
Dear God, You generously blessed Your servant, St. Pio of Pietrelcina, with the gifts of the Spirit. You marked his body with the five wounds of Christ Crucified, as a powerful witness to the saving Passion and Death of Your Son. Endowed with the gift of discernment, St. Pio labored endlessly in the confessional for the salvation of souls. With reverence and intense devotion in the celebration of Mass, he invited countless men and women to a greater union with Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Through the intercession of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, I confidently beseech You to grant me the grace of (here state your petition). Amen.

Glory be to the Father… (three times).

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I don't want folks to get stuck in case something happens to me so I'm removing all the chaplet payment links. If you'd like a chaplet, please EMAIL me with the name, number and any preferences. I will make it up for you and send you a pic. If you approve, I'll send payment link. This way your purchase will be safer and not tied up timewise in case of my demise. Thanks for your understanding!


Please Click on the Name of a Chaplet for Instructions how to Pray and print them for your use. I don't have Instruction cards to send with the chaplets. This helps to keep prices down as well. Thank you.

Chaplets are prayed on beads similar to rosary beads, but are generally smaller and considered more a personal devotion. Many are Marian orientated, but several are also devoted to the Jesus, the angels and the saints. Some, such as the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, may be prayed on regular rosary beads, but many prefer to have the actual chaplet for this purpose.
Chaplets often consist of special medals and certain color beads. While incorporating the familiar prayers, oftentimes they also include specific short prayers, similar to ejaculations, that are particular to the devotional itself. Here are just a handful of such chaplets. Should you know of, or find one you would like to pray, just let me know the name of it and I will quote you a price to assemble it according to your preferences.

"Niner" Chaplets

"Niner" chaplets have been around for a very long time and can be created for virtually any saint. "Niner" chaplets consist of 3 sets of 3 beads with the saint's medal at the end, either as a loop or in a straight line. Regardless of the configuration, you invoke the Saint's aid on the medal and say an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be on each bead in the groups. Sometimes a Crucifix is added (when made in a straight line) and then the Apostles Creed is also said. These include mostly saints but also include the Consecration to the Holy Family, another for the dying (St Joseph), and another for the Acts of Adoration.

St. Padré Pio medal and 5mm black wood beads.
"Niner" Chaplets will be made with 5-6mm beads in wood, glass or acrylic. Very handy for today's busy world and available for just $10 each!
Many saints in stock.
Just email to check on availability. Please state color and Saint when making payment.

Please email me to order: mary at

or use the contact form
$10 c15

St. Rita medal and 5mm red wood beads.

An exception to the above 'rule' would be
Mother Teresa's Express Novena Chaplet

Mention your intention asking for intercession on the Medal and after each bead. Then say the Memorare on each of the beads:

Remember, Oh most gracious Virgin Mary that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help or sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, Oh Virgin of virgins, My mother. To thee do we come, before thee we stand, sinful and sorrowful. Oh Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy, hear and answer me. Amen.
(If the chaplet includes a Crucifix, the Creed may then also be said.
You may request with or without a Crucifix.)


Beads of your choice may be substituted for the wood, either 6 or 8mm, acrylics or glass, no extra charge.
Crucifix will vary with stock on hand. If you have any preferences, please let me know and I'll do my BEST to accommodate you!

SP $14 c16

USA Chaplet
Our country needs much prayer now. This chaplet is a result of many months of daily prayer, et al.
Each USA Chaplet will consist of silver plated 22gauge wire, 20gauge jump rings, chain or connectors, a Scapular center and a Trinity Crucifix which will vary according to available stock.
The 6-8mm beads will be in the USA colors, red, white (or clear) and blue (light and darker).
Acrylics may be round faceted or oval rice beads, either transparent or opaque.
Miracle Beads are heavily lacquered silver plated lucite cores that appear to have a bead 'glowing' inside them due to the light reflecting back from the mirror properties of the plating.
Glass may be druk, pearl, crackle or textured.
Crystal may be either rondelle or rounds.
SP $8- $25 c12

glass pearls or glass $20

miracle beads $30


Other pics: 1 2 3

Please state any preferences and I will do my best to comply according to availability!

contact/order form

St. Therese Sacrifice Beads
These 10 or 11 beads may be any color. They are kept in one's pocket, secretly, and when one mentally offers up something to God in union with Christ's sufferings on the Cross, one slides one of the beads toward the Medal.
Sorrows, pains and inconveniences may be offered up as well as virtuous acts as those of charity, or any of the corporal works of mercy.
We count our acts of love that help us become more virtuous, increasing our love for Jesus to bring us closer to Him.
They can be made with or without a Crucifix and sometimes contain a fixed Pater to assist in doubling as a Rosary.
They can also be made with a Miraculous Medal instead of the St. Therese medal.
If you would like a particular color/medal etc., please just let me know.
The beads are constructed in such a way that when they are moved, they remain where they are put.
Components are REPRESENTATIVE of a group. Medals may be all silver OR color pics. Crucifixes will change with stock.
If you have definitive needs, please email FIRST to be sure I have what you want on hand.
Optional Pater may be added per request to double as a pocket decade.


Sacrifice Beads

10 beads on cord that stay put as you pull them with
St. Therese medal
MUST PUT BEAD COLOR IN ORDER or I will choose for you.
Can be acrylic, wood or glass around 8mm.
$18 c8

St. Therese Sacrifice Bracelet
Your choice of adjustable or clasp, please specify preferences on beads, cord and colors also!
Medal added upon request. Pic1 2 3 4
$19 b69

The above Sacrifice Beads are representative of a group. Colors, medals and Crucifixes may vary, but every effort will be made to adhere to the above images when stock permits. In other words, the c7's will be made with twine/cord and wooden beads. The c9's will be made with thin twine and glass beads. The c8's will be made with gold chain and wood beads. PLEASE if you have any preferences in colors or beads, mention this in the instructions or better yet email me to discuss it first. CHAPLETS ARE MADE TO ORDER.

Please note: if you are ordering more than one of the SAME item, it would be a good idea to email me first and ask about availability .... parts may have to be ordered, as I am one person and do not have a lot of stock on hand. Thanks for your kind understanding!

Beads will vary on most chaplets according to availability.

If you have a color preference or specific requirement or need, please state it at PayPal in INSTRUCTIONS TO MERCHANTS area!!

Chaplets shown are representative of a group and not all shown here are in stock as is,
that is why other pictures are also shown in descriptions.

If the chaplet doesn't require a specific pattern of colors and you do NOT specifiy a color choice in your order, then I will use what I have in stock as close as possible to the picture shown.

Chaplets are not kept in stock and will be created when ordered
(generally within 24 - 48 hrs.).
out! :)

Please copy price, name and item number to contact/order form

SP $24 54dlp
Divine Love for Priests Chaplet
Help strengthen our priests with this chaplet. Sorely needed in the times in which we live! Medal style and Crucifixes will vary according to available stock.
SP $35 sc55c

Our Lady of the Snows Chaplet
Lovely devotion to our Lady of the Snows, some history in INSTRUCTIONS.
State color preferences. Crystals not readily available anymore. Will try to accommodate preferences as stock permits.
SP $35 C49

Chaplet of the 7 Wounds
Incorporating all the Wounds Jesus suffered during His Passion and Crucifixion.
SP $15 c4

Guardian Angel Chaplet
8mm crackled Czech glass beads. Guardian Angel medal with bonus Crucifix. Beads will vary. State any preferences on color, or I will get as close as possible to this picture according to stock on hand.
C $20 57sh
Chaplet of the Sacred Heart
A wonderful and short devotion to the Sacred Heart. Glass & acrylic beads on cord. Componenets may vary according to stock.
SP $15 c56
St. Uriel Chaplet
Your choice of beads
C $16 c43

Immaculate Conception Chaplet
A Devotion for purity. pic
SP $24 c44
St. Joseph Chaplet
Traditional Chaplet to this beloved most forgotten Saint! Also available corded, just ask! Your choice of center and either St. Joseph medal or Crucifix. pic pic2
C $12 c45
St. Michael 'niner'
Satin cord, silver plated acrylic rosebuds, medal and your choice of Crucifix. pic1 2
SP $14 c39

St. Pedro Calungsod Decade Chaplet
Regular decade chaplet.

Available corded for $9

SP $14 c41

St. Philomena Chaplet
St. Philomena medal and Marion center will vary with stock available.
SP $30 c42

Chaplet of the Child Jesus
9 full color Medal set, please state bead color preferences if any. pic
SP $10 c33

St. Joseph Chaplet w/Trinity Crucifix, as per "niners" above. pic
NO MORE of these orange marble beads left, PLEASE choose another color/material or I will choose for you :)
SP $20 c34

7Sorrows/Servite MINI Chaplet
MUST STATE BEAD COLOR - MADE TO ORDER!! Available w/just main medal and center, w/larger Pater beads instead of medal set for $13.
c $10 c38 cord

St. Ann(e) Chaplet
SP $12 c38 chain


SP $25.00 c31

Chaplet of Conversion
Devotion to obtain conversion for unbelievers in your choice of colors, etc. Shown 6mm garnet druks & 8mm red crystals
8mm druk beads and Preciosa crystals $23

C $24 c20

Divine Mercy Chaplet 6mm Red Czech crackle beads on bonded cord and large DM center. Your choice of color & material. pic

SP $11 c32
Chaplet of the 10 Evangelical Virtues
6mm black beads, Marian medal and Crucifix will vary with stock. Centuries old devotion.
SP $12.00 c28

Medjugorje Peace Chaplet
8mm glass pearls with Medjugorje medal
SP $14.00 c29

St. Dymphna Chaplet
6mm pearls w/center & medal pic


SP $25.00 c30

Chaplet of Reparation
Components will vary with stock, but will consist of Trinity Crucifix and Marian center or Holy Face Medal. Your choice of bead color. pic
SP $14 c25
Mary Magdalene Chaplet
Your choice of beads and colors. (Swarovski crystals $5 extra.) Marian center and Magdalene medal. pic1
2 3 4 5
If no beads are specified, I will choose for you :)
SP $14 c26

Blessed Sacrament Chaplet
Wonderful devotion for spiritual Communion or any time! pic1 2 3 4
Shell  beads gone
SP $22 c27

St. Charbel Chaplet
This Maronite monk is a powerful intercessor! This chaplet is a little known devotion that should be disseminated faithfully! (Crystal: $15 - 8mm +$5) Pic1 2 3
No glass pearls on cord anymore, only druks or crystals.

Crystals unavailable at this time, sorry

SP $12 c22

Our Lady, Star of the Sea
Various beads with Marian medal. Please state any preferences for beads or medals.
(Shown in 8mm aqua stardust - limited supply)
SP $23 c23

St. Therese Full Chaplet
The picture doesn't do these (LIMITED) gorgeous 10x8 rose crystal beads justice. They sparkle brilliantly! 24 Ave's with the optional Pater.
Crucifix may vary. pic1 2
YOUR choice of beads & colors PLEASE STATE !
SP $12 c24

Pope JP II Pocket Decade Chaplet
Your choice of beads and SAINT JPII medal rather than BLESSED. MUST SPECIFY!! This one includes an Our Father, many don't. Pope JP also had a rosary made from Job's Tears! Pic
SP $35c14

Chaplet of Seven Dolors (Sorrows), the Servite Rosary or Our Lady of Tears
Chaplet has 8 double sided Medals with various beads. State any color preferences, sizes, materials when ordering.
pic1 2 3 4 5


SP $24 c17
Chaplet of Seven Dolors (Sorrows) the Servite Rosary or Our Lady of Tears
This is the same chaplet as to the left, but done in 6 & 8mm beads without full medal set. Completed by a Marian/dolors center and Our Lady of Sorrows medal.
pic1 2 3
SP $24 c10

St. Michael the Archangel Chaplet
This chaplet consists of 9 different colored 6mm beads with the initial 4 being either white, clear or gold with St. Michael Medal and Scapular center according to available stock.pic1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
SP $18 c2

These beads no longer available, will use 6mm round black beads.
Holy Souls in Purgatory Chaplet
4mm Black Acrylic beads
Purposely constructed with very small rough black beads to assist with penance
(Mine as well when making it!)
SP $35 c3

Chaplet of the 5 Wounds
8mm Ruby Czech Pearlized Glass beads. Two sided color picture medals of Wounds & Our Lady of Sorrows. Bead material may vary but will always be red.
pic1 2 3


SP $45 c51m14

St. Michael the Archangel Chaplet
14 medal full color set. Your choice of bead colors but keep in mind, traditionally, there are 9 different groups of colors depicting the choirs of angels. PLEASE STATE YOUR PREFERENCES! Got a few more of these sets in but not sure it will be ongoing. Pic 1

SP $22 c11

Chaplet of the Holy Trinity

Also known as The Angelic Trisagion .... 6mm. beads: white glass pearl, ruby miracle beads and blue stardust with Trinity center and Crucifix. Beads will vary according to availability.
pic1 2 3

SP $20 c6

The Chaplet of Saint Therese
Red Acrylic 6mm rosebud beads with 22 gauge silver plated wire, St. Therese medal and Crucifix.
Your choice of glass or acrylic beads. pic1 2
Also available on cord as are most selections. Just ask!

SP $35 c21

Holy Spirit Chaplet
6mm white glass pearls with 8mm blue glass pearls shown. Your choice of colors and Holy Spirit or Miraculous Medal center and Holy Spirit Medal. Please state preferences at paypal.


* Required Free Contact Form

contact/order form

If the chaplet doesn't require a specific pattern of colors and you do NOT specifiy a color choice in your order, then I will use what I have in stock as close as possible to the picture shown.

©2009 & Beyond ~no reproduction of text or original graphics without express permission~