The Front of the Crucifix:
Above the cruciform figure, the familiar I.N.R.I. has been inscribed with the words
"Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judaeorum. "" Latin uses I instead of the English J,
and V instead of U (Iesvs Nazarenvs Rex Ivdaeorvm). The English
translation is "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews." .
The Reverse of the Crucifix:
On the transverse arms are the words, "Father, forgive them.". On the
vertical beam of the Cross are the words, "Behold this heart which has
so loved men.". An image of The Sacred Heart of Jesus is shown in the center. |
Definition of Indulgence
The word indulgence originally meant kindness or
favor. In Latin it meant the remission of a tax or debt. Under Roman law
it was used to express release from captivity or punishment. In this
instance, an indulgence is given to remit the temporal punishment of sin
that has been forgiven.
These indulgences have been declared upon the Pardon
Crucifix by Pope St. Pius X in 1905, and have been approved in the pardon
of the living and the souls in Purgatory in 1907. The lengths of the
indulgences were repealed in the new Enchiridion, and the indulgences
were granted to remit the guilt of the sin committed:
1. Whoever carries on his person the Pardon Crucifix, may thereby gain
an indulgence.
2. For devoutly kissing the Crucifix, an indulgence is gained.
3. Whoever says one of the following invocations before this crucifix
may gain each time an indulgence: "Our Father who art in heaven, forgive
us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." "I beg
the Blessed Virgin Mary to pray to the Lord our God for me."
4. Whoever, habitually devout to this Crucifix, will fulfill the
necessary conditions of Confession and Holy Communion, may gain a
Plenary Indulgence on the following feasts: On the feasts of the Five
Wounds of our Lord, the Invention of the Holy Cross, the Exaltation of
the Holy Cross, the Immaculate Conception, and the Seven Sorrows (Dolors)
of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
5. Whoever, at the moment of death, fortified with the Sacraments of the
Church, or contrite of heart, in the supposition of being unable to
receive them, will kiss this Crucifix and ask pardon of God for his
sins, and pardon his neighbor, will gain a Plenary Indulgence.
Definitions courtesy of